Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin update

So many fun things going on right now!

-Tonight my roommates and I are going to carve pumpkins (haven't done that since I was a little little kid-- how sad is that?) and watch the absolute best Halloween movie-- HOCUS POCUS! I'm so excited, my Farmer's Market Yankee Candle is burning bright, I've got creamy tortilla soup brewin' on the stove, and my fall playlist is on a roll. OH and I've got a fresh pomegranate waiting to be peeled and enjoyed :)

-Tomorrow night Shauna and I are having our "Celebrate Autumn" party! We spent all day cleaning and organizing and brainstorming fun ideas for the party-- there will be fun art for the kiddos to experiment with, a FUNK booth for shooting some crazy pictures, and TONS of fall-themed treats from Shauna's kitchen (she is a CRAZY good cook!) Oh, and Shauna informed me today that I have to dress up, since it is kind of a Halloween party... I had a moment of panic until she told me what she was going to be, and I'm definitely, shamelessly, doing the same thing. I already practically have the whole outfit, I just had to run to Hobby Lobby for some fun accessories... pictures to come!

-I still have a bunch of fun pictures to go through and post-- I had another family trip to the Pumpkin Patch last weekend! I'm really excited to go through those and pick out some favorites. Life has been incredibly hectic these last few weeks (yeah I still haven't unpacked from Colorado and the wedding) but hopefully I'll catch up here soon... In the meantime, here's an old favorite from the Pumpkin Farm two years ago!


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About Me

I'm 22. I'm a girl. I just graduated from Texas A&M. I hate (and am allergic to) peanut butter. I like taking pictures. I watch too many movies. I hoard music and take great pleasure in finding new artists. I get annoyed with work because it doesn't allow me enough time to read for pleasure. I have a love/hate relationship with exercise, depending entirely on the time of day. I love movies based on comic books. I get really freaked out by E.T. I'm a big, big fan of food. I think anything remotely related with Aaron Sorkin is genius. I can't stand pro football. I have an unhealthy obsession with fall and Christmas. I love, love, love laughing with my family. I try to be a good follower of Christ and I falter a lot, but the beauty of Him is that I don't have to save myself.