Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Wells Family '09, take one....

Do you ever have one of those experiences where you really had the best intentions, but EVERYTHING just went wrong?? That pretty much describes our attempt at doing a family photo shoot of my sister and her family. Here's where we went wrong...

1) We tried to do it on Thanksgiving day. Basically this meant that we all got caught up at the Thanksgiving celebrations and before we knew it the sun was going down so we had to rush... rushing is rarely beneficial in a photo shoot, I've learned.

2) We aimed for 4:30, which in the Sims family, means 5 or 5:15, at least. We are all chronically late people. Add a 9 month old and a 2 year old whom you have to dress, it gets worse. Not to mention the bellies full of tryptophan turkey and delicious carbs. I was pretty much moving in slow motion. By the time we got out there the sun was almost gone.

3) We picked the sticker capital OF THE WORLD. And by stickers, I mean the evil, painful plant spore-things that get stuck in your shoelaces and then in your fingers when you try and pull them off. See that nice pretty quilt they're all laying on? (For the single shot that we were actually able to pull off...) That quilt will never be the same after laying on that grass. It was as if the stickers themselves could jump. No joke, we laid the blanket down and somehow it was already COVERED in those ridiculous prickly spores. ON THE TOP. It took us several minutes to even clear a space large enough for them to lay on, and we could let Bekah move an inch. We all looked like one-legged hopping dorks for 5 minutes afterwards as we attempted to get them off our jean cuffs.

4) I am very much still learning all of this. We shot all four of them first so we could get the girls out of the stickers, and they all looked SO cute, but I was rushing and didn't check all my settings. There were some really great shots of all of them at the beginning, but I had to throw most of them out because I TOTALLY messed up the exposure. So sad! There will be quite a few in my Box of Shame.

And so, only a couple pictures of Jen and Justin survived this one. BUT I am so thankful it was with my wonderful, patient family; they understand I'm still learning and figuring this whole thing out. We are just going to have to try again! And hopefully next time all hell won't break loose :)

The Wells 2
The Wells 4

This is literally the best shot we got of all 4 of them, and the girls aren't even looking at the camera! I had to include it though, just because it cracked me up :) Ah well... you live, you learn...
The Wells


Jen wells said...

Girl that's better than I expected out of the shoot from hell! I like the ones of JT and me! Sunday Justin and I went on a date and I lost my phone. While looking for it I stuck my hand in the side pocket of my door and yelled. A HUGE sticker jabbed into my finger from this awful day. I actually drew blood in three places.

Ugh. Great work considering. We'll try again when my kids are 8 or above and cooperating. :)

love you!!

Famously Minneapolitan said...

Jessica Sims...I love all your pics but think the picture of your mom and dad is truly awesome!

About Me

I'm 22. I'm a girl. I just graduated from Texas A&M. I hate (and am allergic to) peanut butter. I like taking pictures. I watch too many movies. I hoard music and take great pleasure in finding new artists. I get annoyed with work because it doesn't allow me enough time to read for pleasure. I have a love/hate relationship with exercise, depending entirely on the time of day. I love movies based on comic books. I get really freaked out by E.T. I'm a big, big fan of food. I think anything remotely related with Aaron Sorkin is genius. I can't stand pro football. I have an unhealthy obsession with fall and Christmas. I love, love, love laughing with my family. I try to be a good follower of Christ and I falter a lot, but the beauty of Him is that I don't have to save myself.